Adomaa with Korantemaa Larbi. Photograph by Souza

It’s noon on a dry and hazy harmattan afternoon. I’m sitting in the garden of music sensation Adomaa’s family home in Accra, preparing to interview her. A few feet away, she’s chatting with some members of Vision Inspired Music (VI Music), the label she co-founded, which manages her and produces her music. This is an interview I wasn’t sure would happen, not because she’s inaccessible (because she and her crew are down-to-earth, genuine people) but because I had reached out to her just 4 nights earlier. It was a shot in the dark, coming from a nudge from my sister to interview Adomaa for Design233, and not sure I would get a response on such short notice. I had 5 days in Accra before heading back to New York. Since she has been on Design233’s radar for a while, I went for it and sent her an email.

So here I am, sitting with her, with images of her first mashup video on YouTube floating in my mind. The plan is to take pictures of her after our chat but Souza, VI’s videographer, photographer and graphic artist, takes over my camera and snaps away as we chat. It’s the perfect setting for a relaxing interview and I am surrounded by extremely creative and talented young people, one of whom is Adomaa’s sibling and VI Music’s composer and arranger.